Having recently released access to its newest Australian product Landlords, 360 Underwriting is delighted to announce the appointment of Kate Stebbings as Landlords Executive Director.
Kate brings to 360 over 21 years of insurance experience. Her most recent role being the National Genesis Manager for Allianz Australia. Kates broad background includes senior roles in product, relationship management and distribution.
Denis Morrissey, Director and Co-founder of 360 added; “We are thrilled to have Kate join the 360 team as we look to capitalise on the opportunities and partnerships within the Landlords market. She brings a depth of experience, drive and passion to deliver solutions and service to our broking partners”.
This addition enhances our wider 360 Group, a leading Landlords cover available through a platform designed to make it easy for our broker partners. With the comfort that, Kate as your 360-decision maker is only ever a phone call away.
360 Landlords has a multi-year capacity agreement provided by Guild Insurance Limited trading as Acerta (Guild).
CLICK HERE for 360 Landlords Contacts.