We are delighted to announce an exciting change to TLC Insurance’s capacity provider.
From the 01 January 2025, AIG Insurance NZ Limited (AIG) will join as TLC Insurance’s capacity partner for all new and renewal business for our Mobile Plant and Commercial Motor products. We are confident this collaboration will enhance the breadth of services we offer as TLC Insurance continues to grow as a specialist underwriting agency for heavy machinery.
We want to express our appreciation to Cameron McLisky and the team at Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance for their dedicated support over the past three years. This change reflects a broader strategy for 360 Underwriting Solutions across Australia and New Zealand and is in no way a reflection of our relationship with Berkshire Hathaway.
The new partnership will see existing policies entering run off with all renewals transitioning to AIG New Zealand Limited at renewal. Our team are committed to providing the same service level standards you know and trust.
The timing of this change in insurer will coincide with an update to the Mobile Plant wording. In addition, please find below links to the following important information:
- Change document providing all changes made to existing policy wording.
- New Mobile Plant wording from 1 January 2025.
- Q&A document that provides information regarding the change in insurer.
Should you have any questions regarding this capacity change, please do not hesitate to contact your Underwriting Development Manager, contact details can be found here.