Diving in with 360 New Zealand: Tim Wilkes

By July 18, 2024360 Blogs
Tim Wilkes

Tim started working with 360 Commercial in January 2021, collaborating with brokers across the North Island to deliver innovative solutions for their clients. With experience as a broker and in roles with start-ups and corporate insurers, Tim is passionate about agency underwriting. He emphasizes the importance of understanding brokers’ needs and offering solutions rather than a single, one-size-fits most approach.

Get in touch with Tim as per details below:

Underwriting Development Manager – Central Region
P. 021 077 6678

Getting to know Tim:

  • What was the first concert you attended?
    Iron Maiden at Birmingham Odeon on their ‘Number of the Beast’ tour in 1982. Front row, crushed against the stage. Ears rang for a week after. Still love a good live gig.
  • Where do you most hope to visit?
    Antarctica – the ultimate wilderness.
  • If you could instantly become an expert in something what would it be?
    Would be good to be fluent in Te Reo.
  • What is your pet hate?
    Fast food. Neither fast, nor food, usually.
  • What was your first job?
    Unpaid – Librarian. paid – DJ. Quite the dichotomy!
  • What is the best way to start the day?
    Fresh Coffee. Oat milk flat white, thanks.
  • Who’s your go-to artist when you can’t decide on something to listen to?
    Really depends on my mood. More often than not it’s The Vaccines. No wait – Milky Chance. Ah then again, Pearl Jam. Oh, I don’t know!
  • What’s something you’ve been meaning to try but haven’t gotten around to it?
    Astronaut training. They keep asking…
  • Where is the most interesting place you’ve been?
    I’d have to say the Dogon Escarpment in Mali. Powerful landscape, villages cut out of the stone cliffs, a totally different culture, and the world’s strongest millet beer.

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